How can therapy help an individual reach a goal?
techniques utilized in therapy can lead to different outcomes. Likewise, different therapies can focus on
utilizing different techniques.
therapy, as it sounds, attempts to work with the person to find a solution
instead of focusing on the issues that may have initially prompted an
individual to seek therapy.
a counselor and client work together using Solution-Focused therapy, the aim of
the therapy session(s) is to imagine an ideal future and determine steps to
achieve that goal.
this portion of the counseling, the client and counselor look back at past
experiences and work together to find which aspects of the client’s current life
s/he would like to change or improve and which aspects the client would like to
remain as constant or similar as possible.
order to identify the steps toward an ideal future, the client and counselor
must first investigate the client’s current abilities, skills, and resources
the client has or may have access to. Identification
of these may help the counselor and client arrive at what sort of steps need to
be taken first.
type of therapy may be found in several settings, including career and personal
therapy works toward creating a realistic plan to help the client get to where
s/he would like to be by investigating previous experiences to determine ideals.
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